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Suicides in Tamil Nadu

Yesterday, while making the presentation on the SDG ratings for the current year for the state of Tamil Nadu, there were some questions regarding the suicide rate.  I ended up looking some data on the same from the 2022 NCRB report. The following graphs that I generated based on the data threw an interesting picture about the state of distress under which people decide to take their own lives. 











That predominantly those who commit suicide in the state seem to be just school educated, coming from daily wage labour category, with low income is a case for strengthening the social security in the state. That the dominant causes cited in the report is illness (often the cause attributed to close the case quickly, so, this data is suspect in my book), followed by the social challenges that includes family life, estrangement, love life, etc., further strengthens my own conviction that the economic pressure (which is cited as a lesser cause in the report) manifests itself through social and relationship based challenges in the state much more today. I have been advocating the need to broadbase counselling of various types in the state in several spaces for the state to be able to address this challenge before it becomes an epidemic. With a suicide rate increasing by 5%  from the previous year, one cannot ignore this trend for long. 


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